Increase in ER visits after Obama Care starts

This is expected since more people are now seeking treatment since they are being covered and they’re not sure how to navigate finding a primary care physician. This should get smoothed out a it goes along. It is confounding to find a primary care physician or even figure out which health group to use.

Trial and error, convenience and referrals from friends have been what I used but it is still confounding to try to get the different health providers to talk to each other. I recently tried to see a specialist I had seen before even though I am not using this provider group for my primary care anymore. I thought he was good so I wanted to see him for my new issue which was really an aggravation of a previous issue. He was busy so they offered me another physician who they said worked with him. His name was Gupta so I thought, Sanjay. He gave me a referral to a hospital to get a procedure. I went. The tech asked me if the tech who did the procedure had talked to me. No, I told her. The doctor who referred you will get the report, she said. When I went back to have another procedure by that doctor he said he didn’t get it. He may have said I should make an appointment with the guy I tried to make the appointment with in the first place. I’m not sure because I was still coming out of anesthesia. Some nurse or something like one did poke her head in and tell me I didn’t have cancer.

Once I recover from the ankle fusion I will set up an appointment with a new internist at my new provider and see how I can get my results from the old provider. I will see about getting my records transferred.  

2 Month Anniversary

Wednesday was my 2 month anniversary of my ankle fusion surgery. I’ve had no weight bearing on my right foot for 8 weeks. Next week I return to the doctor to, hopefully, have my cast removed permanently. I’ll get the boot which can be taken off at night for sleeping. Over a period of 4 weeks I will be able to gradually start bearing weight, 25% a week. First I have to get a new set of x-rays to confirm the bone has healed. The goal is to be able to walk without the pain I had before. That should have been solved by fusing the bones and taking out the joint. My gait will be different but as my husband pointed out it was already lousy. I could barely walk before the surgery and was taking Tylenol all day.  Now I just take Tylenol PM to make me drowsy enough to sleep. 

I’ve also been retired for 2 weeks and I’ll figure that out as I go along. We bought a retirement home and we’ve just gone through our first fire season scare I think we came out unscathed Fortunately, we could do it remotely.



After reading the book, “This Town” by Mark Liebovitch, I was not as excited about watching the White House Correspondents’ Dinner as I was in past years since Stephen Colbert gave George Bush the what for. The book lays out the incestuous relationships between the press and the pols in the District of Columbia. Campaign aides move into government and then into think tanks and lobbying firms and then run for office with a plumped up cadre of money men. Now I looked at it with jaded eyes and everything fell flat including the jokes.